It is very smart to create and buy business cards to use as personal calling cards during your job search. Discover how to make business cards an extremely valuable job search networking tool and where to buy inexpensive business cards.
When you're working, you use business cards as a quick and easy way to ensure others have your contact information. Your own personal business cards can be used in the same way when you're networking for a job.
A business card or personal calling card can be used any time you meet someone who would be a good business contact and you want that person to have your contact information, but handing them a resume wouldn't be appropriate.
For example, you may meet someone at a party or while you're out running errands and discover they may be able to help with your job search. It may feel socially inappropriate to pull out your resume at a party or while you're dropping your kids off at school, but handing someone a business card would absolutely be appropriate in those situations.
Business cards are also very useful to have when you are conducting an information interview. If you provide your contact with a business card at the end of the informational interview, he or she will have all of the information needed to reach you.
Business cards help you to build a professional image and maintain contact with important associates while you are networking for a job.
You can also use business cards effectively if you are networking at trade shows.
Again, you may not feel comfortable handing a resume to someone at a trade show, but if you meet a great business contact at a trade show, you'll be happy if you have a personal business card on hand.
Designing and buying business cards is extremely simple. Most of my clients have used Vista Print for their business cards. Vista Print provides several professional designs you can use for your calling cards. You simply need to add in your contact information.
I have ordered business cards myself through Vista Print and was very happy with them.
My cards ended up costing about $30 (which was about half of what I paid to have business cards printed through a local printer). I chose several upgrades for my cards including using my own logo and choosing glossy paper, but you can make nice cards for less money without all of the upgrades that I chose.
Personal business cards are wonderful networking tools. They're a great addition to your collection of job search tools.
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